Wrestling Review //
Blitzkrieg! Pro
Mercy Me
November 19th, 2022
Enfield, CT

Photos can be found here :::

This was a day show but even leaving at 7pm felt like it was 11pm for some reason.  At the previous Blitzkrieg! Pro show- where they were versus Limitless Wrestling- it was announced that MSP would defend the Blitzkrieg! Pro Tag Team Titles against Bussy and as if I'm not the type of fan who buys tickets any way, that definitely had me ready to go to this show.  I'm going to say this now in case you don't make it to the end of this review: MSP vs. Bussy is a special and historic match for many reasons.  No promotion- and I mean literally no other promotion- would give you this match outside of Blitzkrieg! Pro.  You can argue that point all you want, but I firmly believe it.

As we were also live on IWTV, the show opened with a bang as Miracle Generation took on The Haven.   This was a really fun, fast paced high flying match between two teams that know each other so well.  Imagine having that peak Hardy Boyz being able to take on themselves but also it's the future so they somehow defy the laws of gravity and have even more innovation.   Representing Connecticut, it was a great way to start off the show.

Up next a match I was really looking forward to as the sort of sleeper match on the show.  Anthony Greene took on the returning TJ Crawford.  I feel like when we look at the best wrestlers around, Anthony Greene gets overlooked because he is so good that people just forget and seem to think "Oh yeah, he's one of the best" and everyone just knows it so they don't feel like they need to say it.   But in Blitzkrieg! Pro alone this year, AG has had stand out matches with Travis Huckabee and Andy Brown before going into this one.  AG has that way of bringing the best out of his opponents.  

This match was a lot of back and forth wrestling, but I wouldn't mind seeing TJ Crawford challenge for the Bedlam Championship at some point.  He's coming back to be the best and I truly believe he can do it.  I also want to shout out Blitzkrieg right here for opening with a high flying/fast paced tag team match, going into this singles more technical wrestling match and then next up is a fourway with different wrestlers in it.

Logan Black vs Kirby Wackerman vs Delightful Dan The Goddamn Candy Man vs 50 Cal was somewhat comedy and somewhat just wrestlers wrestling, but it was a lot of comedy and a lot of candy.  I'd be interested to see what a match between Kirby Wackerman and ABBS would be like, as Kirby's hard head hits ABBS' abs of steel.   This match really showcased the characters of Blitzkrieg! Pro though and it was good to see Kirby Wackerman back as well.

Gabby Ortiz made her Blitzkrieg! Pro debut against Paris Van Dale.    The fans were clearly behind Gabby Ortiz and that didn't stop PVD from getting some offense in.   But it proved to be too much for PVD to handle Gabby because is, let's face it, one of the best wrestlers out there today.  This is just something that is proven in every match- every time you see Gabby Ortiz- and this was certainly no exception.

Next up was a three on three match where Mike Anthony, Dante Drago and Lucas Chase teamed up to take on A Message To You and Erick Redbeard.   Going into this match I wasn't sure what to expect because A Message To You is on the same page and Dante Drago/Mike Anthony can be too, but that just means there are maybe four different styles going in and so you don't know exactly what is going to come out most.   Erick Rowan did lean into the comedy though, at one point carrying Dante Drago around like a baby.  

Seeing Lucas Chase in there with Perry Von Vicious also stood out.  I know that in PAPW Lucas Chase is in a tag team with Chris Battle and it'd be cool to see them versus A Message To You one day.   Everything in this match just kind of clicked and worked.   When you go into a match thinking it'll be high flying or technical and it is, that's one thing.  But not really knowing how a match is going to play out but then really enjoying it is another thing and that's how I felt about this one.

After intermission we came back to see Shook Crew vs JGeorge and Angelo Carter.  I'm not sure who was doing the ring announcing, but JGeorge was introduced as just "George", which of course upset JGeorge and he had words about it.   This was a good tag team match with Shook Crew being an overly popular fan favorite team while JGeorge and Angelo Carter worked well together as well, despite whether the fans booed or cheered.  

The next three matches all felt like main events.   Travis Huckabee took on Andy Brown for a shot at the Bedlam Championship.   This match had so many moments where I thought one of the two wrestlers was down and out, but they somehow kicked out and the match continued.  At least three times I thought "That has to be it" but it wasn't.    Travis Huckabee is a tough opponent and he really took it to Andy Brown.  Whenever the title match happens, I think VSK is going to have a tough time because of just how focused and ready Andy Brown is. 

One of the things I also like about Andy Brown is that he just does not seem to care whether or not you like him.  If you like him, cool, but if you don't he doesn't care because he's there to win matches.   There is a row of fans though that loves Travis Huckabee though and he ripped one of their signs, which I thought was funny.   But how is Andy Brown not a champion everywhere?  He has the power, the speed, the technical skills- he just has it all and I hope the right people are watching.

In a match most historic, next up the team of Bussy (Effy and Allie Katch) took on MSP.   MSP were announced as the Bedlam Tag Team Champions and that was the second time I really missed Ethan Scott.  This match was also part of some tournament that IWTV is doing to crown Tag Team Champions of their own, so it had major implications.   Although I feel like Bussy spend more time on the competition than on IWTV, but I didn't run the numbers so who knows.

This match had a little bit of everything in it, but when you go into a match knowing it is MSP vs Bussy you have certain expectations, certain ideas of what might happen.   This match just went above and beyond all of that.   Different matches mean different things to me, but this is definitely up there as one of my favorite matches of 2022, but also it's going to be talked about for a long time and is already one of my all-time favorites.

The main event saw crowd favorite CPA challenge VSK for the Bedlam Championship.  This was introduced as the Blitzkrieg! Pro Championship and so when the Bedlam needed to be there it wasn't.  I realize the ring guy probably wasn't a ring guy but it makes you appreciate ring people like Ethan Scott that much more.

There were a few times during this match where I thought CPA had won the title.  There were also a few times during this match where it looked like CPA was done, that VSK had him beat, but CPA still kicked out.  I feel like this was really one of those matches where I didn't know who would win and it kept me on the edge of my seat, as a main event big feel title match should.  

After the show we waited in line for autographs/merch/photos.   Quentin had bought a Bryce Donovan Slam Buddy and Effy saw it.  I said something to Effy about them coming back to Blitzkrieg! Pro and facing Shook Crew.   Somehow, a few days later, Blitzkrieg! Pro announced that very match for The Wrestival.   Great minds and all that.  But with that match, Andy Brown getting a Bedlam Championship match against VSK and seemingly endless possibilities, I'd say the future is looking good.  


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