Cassette Review // Hypocrite in a Hippy Crypt "The New Planet" (Already Dead Tapes)

Hypocrite in a Hippy Crypt have created this pop-psych rock album but it has a theme to it, with the title "The New Planet", and I enjoy that as well.   At times this reminds me of Flaming Lips and The Beatles, some Elliott Smith comes out as well.   Through the melodies, I can really hear an artist such as The Benjamins come out during "It's Only Tuesday".  

When we get to the flip side, there is a song that starts it off called "I Won't Go to Florida".   From reasons such as not liking the sun to hurricanes, this song is about exactly what you think it's about, even though there are so many other reasons to not go to Florida- such as the fact that they won't "say gay", everything Florida Man does and alligators.   All I can think of during this song is that GIF of Bugs Bunny sawing Florida away from the rest of the States.

This takes us into a song that is the titular track, and the chorus sings "I hope there will be coffee on the new planet".   It's funny how much time and energy people put into wanting to leave this planet and go to a new one (one such person runs what was once called Twitter!) and yet, the little things such as whether or not there will be coffee or even wifi seem to go unnoticed.  Yeah, maybe the atmosphere isn't burning like it is here, but would you rather die with entertainment or live in boredom?

"The New Planet" is a whimsical adventure through rock music, though the lyrics might not be as practical as getting into your own spaceship and leaving this world behind (We really should try and fix our planet rather than abandoning it) sometimes we just have to get away and to reflect that through song, sometimes it's best to do so without listening to Lenny Kravitz.  


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