Music Review //
Joshua Radin
"This One's For"


Far too often it feels as if love songs are about those intimate relationships that can lead to marriage, and yet we sometimes have more people than that in our life which we care about.  Joshua Radin has created "This One's For" for the people in his life that he loves and whether it be friends, family or something in between I think we all need to recognize those people more than we already do.

With an acoustic sound, somewhere between Sam Smith and Milky Chance, this song can gain some energy but mostly it just feels like it stays at this moderate pace: not too slow, not too fast.   The music itself also never really grows too loud or too soft, it just remains right there in the middle, perfect to be heard by anyone and with just enough of that little extra something that you'll take notice.

No matter what your community might be, it feels like we all have them.  Whether you go to the bar after work and drink with the same people every so often or if you're simply into some form of gaming you still have what you can call "your people".  And life goes by fast, but those people stick with you and sometimes we don't always appreciate them enough while we still can.  

This is definitely the type of song which you could hear on the radio and feel pulled in by the music itself.   But hopefully you will take the time to really listen to the words and realize what people in your life are special and how much they truly mean to you.  Don't wait until it's too late and you can't: tell them now.


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