Music Review // The Syncopation Rebels "Sound And Vision"

The Syncopation Rebels have this great pop rock sound which reminds me of The Polyphonic Spree.   There are also elements of the Ohio Players in here, who perhaps might be best known for their "Love Rollercoaster" song, which feels fitting because this music video takes place at a carnival.

The interesting thing to me is about this being "Sound And Vision" and how complex both of those things are.  I've been studying sound and people don't seem to realize what you hear is determined by your brain.  So if you're told someone is saying something naughty in a kids movie, when you hear the audio, yes, that idea being put into your head is influencing what your brain is going to come back with what you hear.

Vision works the same way, as the brain only tells us what we are seeing is "blue" and if we are told before hand that a dress is blue and yellow, yes, it will sway our brain's decision making and we might see it as such.   It's all so wonderfully complex and I just love it.  This song, bringing light to all of that in quite the playful way just makes it that much more fun for me as well.

Throughout this music video people can be seen holding signs with words written on them.  One particular sign says "Every Era Gets The Music It Deserves".   I'm not going to deep dive into modern music by any means, but let me just say I do agree with that sentiment.  And if you do too, then you should be listening to The Syncopation Rebels in hopes to make this new generation a little bit better.  


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