Music Review // Sabrina Monique "Rather Be Lonely"

Sabrina Monique has provided a great message to the world with this song "Rather Be Lonely" and it is presented in such a way which it should not be ignored.   We've all either known those people in our lives or were them at one point (maybe you still are) who get into relationships just because they don't want to be alone.  But one of the biggest parts of a healthy relationship is being comfortable alone.   You can't truly love someone else unless you love yourself and all of that.

This might not seem like a big deal, but a lot of times people end up in relationships just because they want to have a date to office holiday party rather than liking that person.  It wastes time and messes with feelings.   But Sabrina Monique comes straight out in this song and says: "You want me for my body".   There is also a nice line about how the other person doesn't want to be friends and just wants the benefits.  

If you're someone who is in relationships just because you don't want to be alone, as the other person it's not always easy to know that.   But once you see the clues, which this song should help you better recognize, then it should be easier for you to make the decision to be alone.  Such signs of this can be found in lyrics such as: "You only want me when it's convenient", which if that is the case for your relationship it might be time to do some serious thinking.

A pop song with soul and a definitive dance number, Sabrina Monique has this sound which should make even the people who like this type of music the least nod their head along in approval.   The chorus hits with "I'd rather be lonely / Than to have you love me" and it's a big realization that one doesn't come to easily, but once you do, your life will be forever changed.  Hopefully, this song can help change some lives.  


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