Music Review // Granny Smith "River of Memory ii"


From what I gather, Granny Smith has created an entire album called "River of Memory" which is a soundtrack to a film which may or may not exist.  The entire "River of Memory" album can be streamed here and it has a total running time of almost six minutes with there being five tracks and this is the final of those tracks.   

While the "River of Memory i" song is second in the line up, it is odd that this is how it all ends.   "River of Memory ii" has a piano part to it and that is all.   The piano notes play.  They stop.  They play.  And this goes on for a little bit over a minute.  There isn't much to this song on its own, but when you consider it as part of the whole then it does begin to make more sense.

In some ways, hearing this song and knowing the length of it, you can think of it as being more of a bridge in between two other songs.  There is definitely a part of it though which makes me think of a Focus Feature, maybe it could even play more than once during the film, as it can feel both thoughtful and dramatic.

Though this might just feel like a snippet of a song, a fragment in a way, I like to think of it more as a piece to a greater puzzle.  It definitely has peaked my curiosity towards what else Granny Smith has going on and where this fits in (and how it fits at the end) with the rest of "River of Memory".  If the aim of this song is to draw the listener in to want to hear the entire "River of Memory" album then it is nothing short of success.  


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