Music Review // Riley Michaels "Doctor, Doctor!"


There has been this long standing idea that people can get love sick and it definitely is a thing.   Whether it's sweaty palms, lack of sleep, feeling like you're going to throw up- any number of different symptoms as your state of emotion can directly affect your physical well being.  Riley Michaels embraces this idea on "Doctor, Doctor!" as the song is a way of asking for medical help while in love.

With that rock n roll sound of start and stop guitars that are borderline blues, Riley Michaels channels artists such as Tracy Chapman and Tom Petty with this song.   There is something about the way the guitar sounds in this song, with the sweet solos as well, that just make this such a fun rock n roll song.  I just don't feel like musicians bring out their inner Tom Petty as much any more and it's a shame.

Lyrics come through on this song such as "My temperature's out of control" which feels realistic when dealing with being in love.  You get hot, you get sweaty- that's also part of the nerves.   But I also really like that there is the line: "I need a remedy stat".    This really leans into the idea of being in love as being a medical condition and just the whole idea of the song being called "Doctor, Doctor!" as it brings in the doctor used term "stat".

Sometimes I wish love was a medical condition to the point that you could see a doctor and be prescribed some pills to make it go away.   This song feels overall positive, but what about the times when you love someone and they don't love you back?  Wouldn't you just like to take pills twice a day for a few weeks and then you're not in love with them any more?  But you can't really treat love the same way you do the common cold and this song is also an example of that.  


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