Cassette Review // Merzbow "Hatomatsuri" (Dinzu Artefacts)


This begins with all of the distortion and force you would expect from a Merzbow cassette.   Squeals come through and they feel as if the cassette itself is breaking due to the high volume of this sound.   If this was a wind tunnel, it would be the ultimate wind tunnel in which we would never be the same after coming out from.   A little bit of that modem blast sound and this is just what Merzbow does-- I'm not sure anyone else can feel like they're hitting you with this same amount of power.

As we begin to hum, it can sound like a vacuum, and then even more electronics are found floating around.   Sometimes the sounds can come through sharp, but other times they're just electronics.  It would be worth doing a study to see if those who aren't as bothered by harsh sounds such as this also are those who grew up with dialup modems and thus have heard sounds like this in a nostalgic way.

We now have three different versions of choppy waves coming through.  The first sounds like a car engine trying to rev up, then we go into more of that distortion / air just getting through.  The last feels more like an electric guitar having that whammy bar.   This all ends in a massive sea of distortion.   Laser blasts are fired and no one is safe.   It feels like we've dropped off into this video game or glitching pinball machine as A reaches the end.

Loud distortion once again zaps through on the flip side to start things off.   As this sound goes on, it feels like we're driving fast.   There is this steady movement in the sound, but then it gets sharper as we take those turns around the streets, trying to flee from whatever it is that is chasing us.   A steady chugging now behind these electronic glitches and twisted lasers.   There is a sense of scratching through this beeping and then it just all comes out just as loud and modem-like as ever.

Things feel like they're being dissected as the engine comes to a stall.  It feels like the end, because everything briefly goes quiet, but then a loud blast comes through with a few more sounds for good measure before this cassette actually ends.   If you're listening to this and you know who Merzbow is you will not be disappointed.   If you've never heard Merzbow before, strap in and get ready for an experience unlike any you will have outside of listening to Merzbow.


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