Cassette Review // Nicholas Serrambana "I'll Drag You Down the Stairs By Your Hair"

This has that sound of shuffling, like someone is moving things around in a room, but it also feels like it's in the background.  I imagine a tape recorder set up on one end of a room and all of this happening on the other side.   The sound has to really carry into it, so we might even be missing softer sounds.   Bottles are clanking and then it sounds like a drill is applying pressure, a rapid fire series of shots.   There is a banging now, a hammering perhaps, and in many ways this has sounds like moving furniture.  

That scraping of furniture sliding across the floor.  The going through the drawers, the pots and pans, utensils and other metal banging on metal.   At some point it can feel as if the drawer is stuck and this is the way of shaking it to try and loosen it and open it.  At the same time, if you told me this was someone trying to unlock a safe or something otherwise locked I would be inclined to believe you as well.  

On the flip side there is a more serious drill sound to start.  Whatever is happening with this metal here, it is rather loud.  There is still that same idea of moving things around, such as rearranging a work bench will all the tools and nails.  A motor is running now and it sounds like it's raining nails.  This also could be that idea of when you run a stick along a fence but in a more metal way than a stick.   There is also that xylophone feel to this, of course, in a traditional music sense.  A loud pounding now.

Dinging now, as if we're banging something metal on metal.  Once again I go back to my safe-cracking theory.  A sliding then the ding and it feels like we're using multiple instruments to try and crack this safe.  There is this one, final loud bang before this ends and if you're going with my theory of trying to break into the safe then this is the safe being finally opened.  Either way, the way this has been a symphony of metal tools should be worth hearing because it's traditional sounds with untraditional elements.  


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