Cassette Review // Bryn Wyrd "L.A. Crab" (Aphelion Editions)

A flurry of loud and noisy percussion begins this one.  It feels like Primus if it was centered around percussion instead of bass.  We go from these static slips into this hypnotizing rhythm which I feel like is saying "Jump on it" but I also have been listening to too much Sugarhill Gang recently.   You can hear a "yeah" and it sounds like shells breaking.   The words "L.A. Crab" are spoken and we drop off into this somewhat funky bass line with a drum beat. It feels like a spider now, as the sound crawls and climbs.

We go into that rambling type of guitar note now which just can also seem to be fluttering like a bee.   There is a steady pace behind it and then notes start dropping like bombs.   This really feels like it's going into this Bladerunner type of sound now and then cymbals sound like knives slicing together.   As it begins grinding we find ourselves in a real electronic circus.   Deeper bass comes in now, driving like a racecar around the track, and there is an audio clip in here about 1978 as well.

They are discussing tempo and sound as this just drives and bangs.   With a little bit of beeping now, this is starting to turn into a really fun dance number.   The bass drops like bombs and it just has this bouncing vibe to it as well.   Yelling is coming in with this now but it also feels like it could be a cat saying meow.   A different sort of beat now, but we're still on this fun ride.  It can take on the sound like a pinball machine as well, as little squeaks come through.   Drum sticks and a sort of scraping sound now. 

Deep bass notes drop off as we get into this sliding guitar wave as well.   High notes are echoed by lower notes now and that is how this first side comes to an end.   This takes us onto the flip side, which has more of that electronic pinball bouncing around type of percussion sound.   There is just this pounding bass behind this all as well and it's so good.   Isolated shots now and then we move into a beeping and sort of modem sound.   Strings come in and rise like they are tuning.   

This feels like it's scratching through now but also reminds me a little bit of Nine Inch Nails.   Really loud sounds like tuning frequencies are blaring through.  It feels like we're getting back into that game of electronic pinball and then the scratching just cuts through in a long and sharp way.   There is a steady rhythm, steady movement here.   You can hear someone talking, but in the background as if to someone else about the recording and then loud synth blasts into start the next song.  

We move faster, like Run Lola Run now.   Distortion comes through now like wind, as it blasts in bursts.   The beats are forming that rhythm again as the guitars screech in.   Distorted guitars come in Hendrix style now and we're back to this loud bass beats dropping with skramz.   It feels as if vocals are trying to come through all of the sound, in a robotic way, and then we get quiet before everything comes crashing in again.   Beeping in the rhythm.  I really like how this can just tow that line between noise and electronica.  


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