Cassette Review // id m theft able "The Recoton High Bias From Rushville, Illinois"


This cassette begins with a bit of static, which feels like it's coming through in waves.   Some sharp beeping comes with this now and it almost feels like we're hearing the sound of the ocean and someone using a metal detector at the same time.  Without the beeping, there is almost something calming about this.  It can feel like the type of sound they might play at a day spa where you go to relax.

The great part about music which sounds like this is you can just sit back, close your eyes and imagine what is creating these sounds.   As much as I like my ocean theory, this also sounds like someone sitting near a busy freeway, the sounds of cars passing by frequently and at fast speeds.    This doesn't really have anything to do with the highway but the beeping coming through can also sound like the sound a digital thermometer makes.  

A little bit of screeching comes through now, as if we need to grease the wheels.   The static comes through choppy and with a bit of wind resistance now.   The beeping grows longer and this all comes together to make a sound like a modem.    Louder, still choppy and that beeping that just won't quit, we screech and squeal our way into the finish line on the first side.  

On the flip side we begin with this static which has more of the rhythm of breathing.   Inhale, exhale.   This is rather relaxing and I imagine just chilling at the beach.   This feels similar to the first side just without the beeping.   While that makes it more hypnotic in a way that you could use this sound for meditation, it also makes it feel like we're just floating on this endless loop with no distinction between being five minutes and fifteen minutes into it.

Though some quiet music comes out at the end, this second side just reminds me of the rhythm of the waves.   As such, I imagine we are lost at sea, just nothing around us for miles and miles- as far as the eye can see- except for water.  Endless water.  And we're just floating.  Whether or not we find land at some point and are saved depends upon whether or not you think that little bit of a song we heard at the end was us finding civilization or Heaven.  


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