Music Review // Kellie Loder "Honey I'm Scared"


When "Honey I'm Scared" first starts it's a soft acoustic type of folk song.  But within moments, the drums come in and this just becomes such a delightful sound.  The verses to chorus just swirl around in a way which gets stuck in your head.   Elements of pop are in here, as you can eventually begin to sing along with this yourself.

This song is about a topic which has been tackled in both film and television, though I cannot think of any specific examples of it at the moment.   It's the idea of being scared of falling in love with someone else.   The opening lines make reference to two kites in the sky with their strings getting tangled together.   Later on, more lines say: "You get caught way up in my tree / And you're irreplaceable", which I feel really tells the whole story.

Part of falling in love is taking that chance.  If you don't take a chance, then you'll never know.   But at the same time, it's a risk.  But if it's easy and you don't feel like you're taking a risk then the reward doesn't feel as good.  It's kind of that idea of liking someone just because they like you, which seems easy and safe, when it's better to like someone who maybe you have to feel is more of a leap of faith.

But it is entirely okay to take your time and ask for someone to hold your hand through it.  The best times are when it feels like both of you are taking that risk and you're both fearful together.  Part of having that great relationship is both people helping each other to feel reassured and making it work.  I feel like Kellie Loder really captures that in this song.  


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