Music Review // Cross Dog "Hard Feelings"


When you see the words "Hard Feelings" your mind will likely go to the idea of "No Hard Feelings", which is what we most commonly hear in polite society.   It's that idea where something might happen but you aren't meant to take it personally.  Sometimes maybe you're fired from your job because of budget reasons and it's just about numbers not you as a person, so they say no hard feelings.   This song by Cross Dog though takes us into a different type of feelings, as it takes us specifically into the "Hard Feelings".

Parts Refused and parts Kittie, Cross Dog has the sound of an angry revolution.  The guitars come in and feel like a Korn song.   It just has that anger as the singer is screaming.  Right away you'll hear the lines "It's not a thank you / So fuck you" and that sets the tone.   As the title comes into the lyrics it says "Now this is goodbye - All hard feelings".   This is, in many ways, the ultimate song of opposition.

During this music video there are times where different band members are waking up.  It ends up at some point revealing that this is all the dream of the singer, who happens to be running late for the video shoot and ends up getting there at the very last second.  This might not really feel related to the song, but it does tell a nice story and I think we all have that anxiety of being late for important events.

I don't feel like I've ever heard someone sing a song like this before, but turning "No Hard Feelings" into "All Hard Feelings" seems it should've been done before now.   Sometimes, the best part of art is looking at something and feeling like it's so obvious and it should've already been done, but since it hadn't been done before you have to give the artist credit where credit is due.  This song also genuinely gets stuck in my head.  


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