Music Review // JEEN "Pour Your Heart"

The music of JEEN brings me somewhere between the alternative rock of the 1990's and the current sound of shoegaze.  I really enjoy how well this sound can combine the two so at times you can feel like this is a radio song from a band such as Letters To Cleo, but then at the same time you can hear artists like Lava Divers within here, in that more modern -gaze sense of music.

"Pour Your Heart" has this sound which just hits like a wave, but then there are these guitar parts which can be both intricate and huge at the same time.  In an oddly specific way this reminds me of a cross between The Verve and Sheryl Crow, which are both more nostalgic acts, but JEEN still finds a way to bring this all into the present tense and future.

Throughout this song, JEEN sings about pouring your heart out and this is just such a strong message to send.  A lot of times it feels as if music is talking in the lyrics, the person singing is the main character and they are telling you a story.  But in this case, "Pour Your Heart" just feels like JEEN is there to listen to you and as important as it is to have your voice be heard we all need to take time to just listen more.

JEEN has a sound which, as someone who really had their musical tastes perfected in the late 1990's, just makes me very happy.  It is everything I could hope for from a rock song in that sense of sounding something you'd have overlooked in 1996 but yet still feels present day enough to know that it's not.  And with a song about just knowing you have someone there to listen makes it even more special.  


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