The sound of FRANKIE FLOWERS is urgent.  "LUST" comes on as a song and leaves just as quickly, hitting right where it hurts and leaving a mark which will have you going back and listening again and again.  In some ways, the delivery of this song is like lust itself as it can be overly desirable.  

Steady and fast, the pacing on "LUST" just takes us for that punk rock type of ride.   The sound is lead by synths, which have this magical way of making all of the sounds disappear by the end, but in that way it also could be synth rock.  There aren't a lot of comparable artists for FRANKIE FLOWERS but you don't really need them because this song stands so well on its own.  If pressed, it has elements of Metric and that should be good enough.

As the major holiday around us as I'm listening to "LUST" is Valentine's Day it's kind of fun to listen to this song and think about those differences between love and lust.  You can feel "lovesick", but I think lust is the real disease because sometimes when you get that feeling stuck in you, there isn't a clear way to get it out and during this song FRANKIE FLOWERS even calls for a doctor to try and work through it.

Perhaps the most important part of this song is the difference between love and lust in the sense that many people should realize that before they get into relationships.   They certainly are not the same and hopefully FRANKIE FLOWERS can be a reminder of that, even if you can't find a way to control your lust, but still this is such an excellent song to put on and drive along with.  


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