Wrestling Review //
ACTION Wrestling
Oops, We Forgot To Buy An Anniversary Present!

This was the first show from ACTION Wrestling following Wrestlemania week when they joined up with SUP for "Have Fun, Be Sad".   I actually started watching ACTION Wrestling back with "Eyes On The Throne" and apparently there have been at least three events according to CageMatch that I need to watch but right now my wrestling cup floweth over.    For those unaware, this card was highlighted by AC Mack taking on Alan Angels in a Last Man Standing Match and back at "Eyes On The Throne" it was Alan Angels who cost AC Mack the championship which Arik Royal now holds and so I do feel like this show was a payoff for that.

Whenever I feel like I'm starting to recognize names in wrestling, I go and watch a show like this and learn new ones.  I feel like this ACTION show was about 50/50 since there was someone I was familiar with wrestling someone I might not have seen before.  This all started with Alex Kane (who I have seen, among other places, in that PPW UWFI Series) taking on Brandon Williams, who I had not heard of before.   I feel like I've heard of Orion Bishop before, but I'm not sure I've seen him wrestle.  This was still a solid match with Kavron Kanyon and I look forward to seeing more of Orion Bishop in the future.

Have I seen Bobby Flaco wrestle before?  Probably.  Do I remember?  Probably not.  He defeated Brogan Finlay in this match though and, yes, Brogan Finlay is son of Fit and his brother is a tag team champion right now with Juice Robinson.   Kind of makes me wonder why the brothers aren't a tag team though.   Logan Creed is someone I am always happy to see on a show and he took on Ben Buchanan, who is also the son of Bull Buchanan.   This concept might exist (or it might be a terrible idea) but imagine a promotion full of only second and third generation wrestlers.   That would be something I would watch a full card of at least once.

In a tag team match, King Garuda and Takuri defeated The Skulk.  I've never heard of King Garuda and Takuri before, but I have seen The Skulk around.  This was also the only non-one on one match on this show, which also makes me wonder why there were no women on this card.  But, to be fair, even Arik Royal isn't on here, so who knows what was going on exactly.   I do remember Jaden Newman coming out and taunting Matt Sells early on in the show and one of the people on commentary said "I blame Val Pancakes for this!"   That got a cheap pop out of me.

The last two matches would be the main events for me.   I've seen Ashton Starr around and I've seen the name CT Keys on Twitter because I always think the CT is for Connecticut.  This is very tricky because you see something like "Ashton Starr vs. CT Keys" too quickly and you think "Ashton Starr is facing who in CT?  Who cares!  It's in CT!  Let's go!"   This was a good match though and I am a fan of CT Keys now and not just because of the home state connection.  

I'm never really sure if it's Alan Angels or Alan Angles, but either way he took on AC Mack in a Last Man Standing Match which AC Mack won.  AC Mack is the real deal.   If you're going to build a promotion around someone, AC Mack is a great choice.  But so is Arik Royal.  So to see Arik Royal and AC Mack feuding for the title in ACTION Wrestling just makes ACTION Wrestling a promotion you should have your eyes on.  If you want to see classic feuds like from the territory days, this is the place to go.  


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