Music Review // We Found a Lovebird "Signal Hill"


Right away when listening to this song you can hear the complexities of the guitar.  As the chords are driving there are also these parts where the guitar notes come through to accent that and it just feels overall like a very guitar driven rock song.   But at the same time, with the fast pacing of the drums keeping the rhythm steady there is also a strong bass line that can be heard in here.

There aren't too many modern rock bands that sound like this, but I'd easily put We Found a Lovebird on tour with an artist such as Kings of Leon or The Strokes.   In a simple, classic way this sounds a bit like Tom Petty and even has that "Runnin' Down A Dream" way about it.   At the same time, in a not as long ago but still not really current way I can also hear a lot of The Damn Personals in here, which I love because that's a reference we don't get enough.

With music being as vast as it is- both in time and space- I feel like there are rock n roll bands in the 21st Century who might try and go back and copy bands more from the 1960's and 1970's.   Bands seem to have that feeling of wanting rock like the Rolling Stones but then there is this whole time frame of music, such as this would be from of the 1980's going into the 1990's when rock n roll was still out there, which can go overlooked.

So in some ways I'm glad that We Found a Lovebird is bringing out this sound that not many other artists seem to want to embrace any more.  But I also just really enjoy that this is such a pure rock n roll, driving type of song but it doesn't sound exactly like anything else out there right now.  If you heard this on a classic rock radio station, you'd think it was from prior to the year 2000.  And as for modern rock radio... I'm not sure if they're ready for this.  


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