Music Review // Sonny Gullage "Go Be Free" (Blind Pig Records)

If you've been following along with Sonny Gullage (and you should be) then you will recognize the second and third songs on here, the titular track and "Things I Can't Control".   While this album is a fun and deep exploration of the blues, it also can channel other sounds throughout these songs.   As the first song sings about "Music blastin' down on Beale" and I hear those keys I know what kind of a ride we're in for and I'm ready for it.

"Separate Ways" has this spaced out, slower R&B feel to it and though it might be about going your separate ways it's also about finding a way to fix that so it isn't permanent.   I also really enjoy the music and lyrics on "Worried About the Young" because I feel like these are things we aren't talking about enough.   Lines that start the song say: "Kids are starting out already deep in debt / Can't find a decent job" and it's a discussion many people don't want to have but needs to happen.

As we go on "Blues All Over You" is that picture perfect blues song while "I've Been There" is a slower ballad about relating with others.   We go into this Little Richard feeling type of party on "Stop That Stuff", which is about "looking pretty while you're doing me wrong".    This all continues with some of the best blues songs you will ever hear, which even take note on the song titled "File It Under Blues".

While some artists have musical styles which can cross genres, Sonny Gullage is a pretty straight forward blues artist and these songs even some times declare that in a literal way.  Sometimes music can be based on your location, as I feel like blues can exist within certain regions and so if you don't live near a strong blues scene or just want to know more about the blues in a current sense, "Go Be Free" is the perfect album to begin that journey.  


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