Music Review // Rob McNelley "The Other Side"

"The Other Side" embraces what a lot of people like to talk about but no one really knows because they haven't been there and back.    As the lyrics say: "I've looked at the sky my whole life / Wondering what's on the other side"   In a lot of ways this can be taken into a spiritual way, thinking about the afterlife and what comes next, but it can also just be taken in a very scientific way as well.

It's a great big universe and not only does Rob McNelley remind us of that with this song but it is also a reminder of how small we all are in comparison.   Sometimes those things that seem to bother you might feel like the world, but at the end of the day, in the scope of everything else they might not really be that big of a deal.   This song just gives you a nice way of looking through things in a big picture kind of way.

With these start and stop guitar melodies, "The Other Side" reminds me a bit of the song "Stand By Me".    There is a nice guitar solo in here and by the end it drops down into this mostly vocals point, which I feel is appropriate because it really puts that emphasis on the lyrics and message of this song.

Some of the lines in here that really stand out are : "Is it hope / Is it love / Things you can feel but you can't touch" and I think those are important because it's not stating anything specific about what is on the other side but rather just asking questions.   On the whole, I think people need to ask more questions and we need more wonder in this world because it feels better than know-it-alls.   Hopefully this song will have you looking up at the sky at night and wondering as well.  


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