Music Review // Pip "Everybody's Sayin'"


This song by Pip begins with these acoustic guitars and it just reminds me of that scene where Elvis Costello is singing in one of the Austin Powers movies.   There is this elevator jazz way about this music, where if you took away the vocals and just listened to the music it could be thought of as traditional hold music on the phone.  In that sense, the way that the music itself is paced makes me feel like we're waiting.

If you spend more time focusing on the vocals though, this will also create a strong folk sound, like Simon & Garfunkel.   Even though the music is strong instrumentally, it is important to listen to the lyrics because they paint the picture of the song.   Lines like "You belong everywhere" are just good positive re-enforcement.   Then when you realize the song is singing about it raining down, the message seems to become clear.

While you can think of this as a song about it raining and someone seeking shelter from the storm, you can also think of it on a deeper level.   Perhaps the rain coming down are your troubles piling up.   Lyrics such as "You can take cover under this umbrella" can be taken literally but can also be thought of in a sense that you have someone there to listen to you and to help you when things aren't quite going your way.

I really enjoy that duality of "Everybody's Sayin'" because you really are getting two songs in one, both lyrically and musically.  If you want this song to be about a light romp in the city when it suddenly starts raining and the kindness of someone sharing an umbrella with you, it can be.  But if you also want to read deeper into it, as deep as you want to go, you can.  Explore the levels on this one!


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