Music Review // borza "Look back"

Many times people don't want to "Look back", as this song suggests, but I feel like it is important for many reasons.   On one hand, dwelling on the past can lead to depression because we cannot change the things which we have done.  But at the same time, I think many people compare themselves with others as a measure of success.  If we instead look at where we were five years ago, if we look back, we can see our own journeys progress.

"Look back" has this sort of banjo sound within it.   I'm reminded of an alternative rock band on the pop side during the late 1990's such as Deep Blue Something, but I also hear a modern radio influence in this as well.  As someone who listens to the radio I don't think a lot of new artists capture that old sound and turn it into something new, but borza does exactly that right here.

Sticking with my theory of judging your life based on your past and not where other people around you are at, there is a line: "You found your way / It's all right" and that just makes me feel reassured that what you're doing not only matters but is on the right path.   You just need to keep going and not worry as much about what others are doing or where they're at.

The main lyrics, which bring out the title, sing: "So look back / see the stars again in the light / and your eyes can shine again all the time"  This makes me feel like we're just looking back on old memories, like a photo album, and knowing that times were good back then, or at least hopefully they were, but they're better now.  You were shining back then, but now you're shining even brighter.


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