Movie Review // Invaders From Proxima B

Back when this movie was on Fandango and only Fandango I purchased it to watch.  They had it priced slightly higher than the rental price for a little while, but it went down to $3.99 to rent or buy so I purchased it for $3.99 (The price has since, as of this writing, gone back up to $5.99 to buy)   However, this movie is now also on Tubi to view for free, so I figured this was a good time to say something about it.

I wasn't sure what this movie would be like going into it because it had those possibilities, based on the title, of becoming a b movie and the type of movie that's so bad it's good but this movie is just plain great.   There are a lot of characters, a lot of moving pieces throughout, but if you pay attention you'll not only be entertained but you'll learn some valuable life lessons.

"Invaders From Proxima B" also reminds me of a movie from the 1980's or 1990's, movies I watched as a kid (like "Gremlins" and "The Goonies") because though this is an overall kid-friendly movie, they do say "damn" and "shit", which if you go back in time to certain movies that were PG they got away with a lot.

The main plot line of this movie is an alien crash landing at the house of a family where the dad is always away on tour, playing keyboard for other musicians though he wants to write his own songs.  The alien, Earth-named Chuck, helps to bring the family together and teach the dad that life is about the people in it and spending all this time away from his family isn't good for any of them, especially him.

There are moments of comedy, moments of action and just flat out moments of drama which will tug at your heart strings.   There is also this character of Marvin and is father Willy (played by Richard Riehle of "Office Space" fame) and there is this whole story that while they are alien hunters Marvin is also gay and in a relationship with what his father thinks is just his roommate and co-worker.

These characters bring a little extra to this movie and if anyone out there is saying "Well, this movie was good it just didn't need that gay storyline" then that's probably a good way to judge who is not so tolerant.  Teaching tolerance in this movie through these two characters is also a good reason to not only watch it yourself but to show it to your kids.

One thing I must admit is that when I first watched this, I thought the character of Ester Terrestrial was just weird and an online personality.  But when you realize she is an alien trapped inside of a human body, watching the movie a second time gave me an entirely new view of her character.   Well done, movie and well done, Sarah Lassez!

There aren't a lot of modern movies which make me feel this way. but this is definitely in my Top 5 of this year.  I want the merchandising for it too.  Give me plush toys of Chuck.  Give me a blu-ray release, or even better yet, a VHS release.   And as the ending showed us is possible, bring on that sequel because I'm ready for more!


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