Music Review // Dave Whitty "Ducks in a Row"


While Dave Whitty begins this song with the line: "You got your ducks in a row" that part is about someone else and as the song goes on you realize that the message of the song is about taking back control of your life so that you can also have your ducks in a row.   It's actually pretty fun to think about this as not being an accomplishment but rather a motivational song which wants to take us to that accomplishment.

With acoustics and slight country twang this song does feel like Americana.   It has a big guitar solo before the end and between the songs of John Mellencamp and The Wallflowers they just don't make 'em like Dave Whitty any more.  Above all else, whatever genre you put this song in and whoever you'd like to compare it with, this song is catchy and for that I really enjoy it and think other people will as well.

During the chorus, which you will begin to sing along with, are the lines: "I think it's time to keep moving / We've got a long way to go".   This just feels like that idea of unburdening yourself from that which holds you down.   Maybe you're in a bad romantic relationship or a job that doesn't treat you right.   Whatever it is- you have to leave that past behind in order to get to your better future (and thus, get your ducks in a row)

In a more direct and inspiring way, Dave Whitty also sings: "You can set yourself free / You can be happy"  This is just that perfect idea of packing up and moving on, taking that next step in your life to making it better.   The true beauty in this song being catchy but also meaningful with the lyrics is that by people singing along to this without really realizing it, they can also come to understand the message and improve their lives just by listening.  


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