Cassette Review // PRE "Civilize" (Black Ring Rituals Records)

This cassette begins with a lot of static, in a distorted way, but it's oh so perfect for a cassette because it feels like that tape hiss.  It feels scrambled up and like someone is trying to speak through it, which just brings in this certain level of chaos and uncertainty.  Tones come in the background with a more dramatic feel and there is just a war going on inside of this song.  Not in a bad way, but this can even sound like Rage Against the Machine with the radio station not coming in clearly.  

Static brings in distorted beats on the second song and we're grooving now.   This really feels like it's in that slip stream now and it's almost industrial and then it just drops off into something more hollow sounding.  It feels like someone is screaming (possibly swearing) now but it's all coming through distorted, some cross between Donald Duck and Charlie Brown's parents.  

Up and down now, flat out screaming and this just becomes all sorts of violent on the third track.  Now we go into this song which comes out blasting and there is a rattling in here as well.   Still some strong distortion through both the music and the vocals and this just feels like violence turned into music.  This is that type of sound I like to play at maximum volume for telemarketers.  

Slower and somehow quieter distortion comes out with the last song.  There is also this feeling of laughing, like Fred Cracklin, coming through with all of this at the same time.   There is a haunted wind about this final song, but I suppose that could also be said about this entire cassette because if it doesn't feel like it's screaming in your face it certainly feels like it's living within your skin.  


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