Music Review // Michael Bernard Fitzgerald "Forever and Always"


This song has a lot of melody behind it but there is also a great build.   What starts off a little bit slower, a little bit softer can feel like Better Than Ezra but by the chorus can kick into something more radio type of pop rock, like Neon Trees.   Overall, as is the title of the song, this just seems to have an uplifting way abotu it and, yes, it definitely feels like a song you'd play at your wedding.

In a world full of social media where attentions cannot span, "Forever and Always" is an important reminder that some things do last longer than a Ben Affleck marriage.  The chorus says "Teach me how to confidently say / Forever and always" which in some ways makes it feel like this person is proposing marriage to the other person.  I know there are wedding songs and forever songs like this but they just don't seem to be out there as often as the songs about breaking up and moving onto the next one.

There is a rather beautiful line in here which goes: "Forever is a long time / But it's not enough / When you find something worth being part of"  I agree with that and while this song is 100% a romantic love song I like to think about that in the way of music.  There will never be enough time in this world to listen to all of the music as much as I want to listen to it.  So, again, music wins over romantic love for me, but that can just be an added bonus take away.

I suppose the idea of this song is that even if you haven't found that special someone yet then listening to this song would be that inspiration to one day want to find them.  Maybe you're in college or just not ready for whatever other reason, but to listen to this song now and then kind of tuck it away for a later date, when you're ready, also seems reasonable.  


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