Music Review // Beth Hart "Wonderful World"


This new song by Beth Hart is both a catchy soft rock type of acoustic-based song that can easily get stuck in your head with a positive message.   At times, this can come out and remind me of Melissa Etheridge which makes me think about how back in that time frame (the 1990's) we had more women on the radio in a rock genre and now it seems like all of the modern women on the radio are making pop songs.

The chorus of this song sings: "It's a wonderfull world to live in just for you" and that's something which you should feel about another person at some point in your life.   It's interesting because as easily as this could be about a romantic relationship my mind always goes to that of family, such as a parent and child.   But this could be more about a life partner if that's the way your life is going.

During the verses, I enjoy such lyircs as: "And you feel like the sky's gonna crack / into blue shades of black / baby I got your back"  Not only does this song have that idea of the world being a beautiful place but it also has that positive re-enforcement, in that taking care of each other way.  This also makes me think that maybe it isn't even about a relationship between two individuals but rather the broader relationship between all people, where we all need to help each other out and have each other's backs.

Whether you view this song in a specific or broad sense of the lyrics, it will still get stuck in your head.   I think the idea of everyone just walking around with the lines "it's a won-won-won-wonderful world" is going to not only bring a sunnier disposition to your life but saying "won" that many times can bring about more winning and less losing perhaps as well.   If we're all walking around singing this same song, none of us are losing.  


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