Music Review // Vikki Minor "COOL"


If nothing else, from this song and music video I hope that people will learn what is cool is objective.   Something which you might think makes someone else cool might not be true from another perspective.  I think this can be discovered a lot in high school because the local kids aren't into what you're into, but somewhere out there you'll find your scene.

Vikki Minor brings out a song that is the perfect cross section of Sophie B. Hawkins and Joan Jett.   I was literally waiting for this song to drop the line "Damn, I wish I was your lover" since it has a lot of other lyrics which are hints to the 1990's.   One line which goes back to the whole idea of being cool being objective is "No way, you have every R.E.M. album on vinyl!".  Just thinking about how the ideal person for you would be cool if instead of R.E.M. it was a different artist.

As we get towards the end of the song there are the lyrics "Not just a crush, don't rush / I could fuck it up / I mean, come on" and then they go into "You're so cool and I'm so not / But I think it's worth a shot".   In the music video, the guy that seems to be the subject of the song can appear nerdy to some, but again, it's all about that perspective.  It's all about finding that right person who thinks you're cool and holding onto them.

There is also a line in here about not being able to keep your cool around the person you think is cool and I enjoy that.   But whether you're thinking about "Happy Days" and maybe Fonzie isn't your cup of tea and you'd prefer Richie or a show like "My So-Called Life" and you're more into Brian than Jordan, it's just all about those choices and how each person can see the world differently.   Hopefully, if nothing else, that message is taken from this fun pop rock song.  


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