Cassette Review // The Flesh, Full of Black Sand "Slow Time"


This begins with ambient drone tones but it can become rather shaky as it goes on.  There is just this way that the sound isn't quite sharp- it isn't quite that dog whistle sound- but it is on the cusp of it, so this might offend those with really sensitive ears or if you're like me you'll just think of boats for some reason.

The sound does grow a bit sharper as we get into it, and that can become more harsh for those listening.   I still think of this as a light, as a beacon though.   It then picks up to where it can sound as if it is beeping, almost like Morse code coming through.    This can really put you in a trance as well, but then it begins to sound as if it is simply drifting out.  

On the flip side that aura continues where we drift off into this hollow toned drone.  It's a little bit wavy and a bit ambient.    There is something angelic about this all as well.   As this goes on, it can become less angelic and start to feel haunted, as if we've unlocked some ancient evil which will not be thrust upon the world.

As we approach the end of this cassette it does some of that ringing, which also makes it wavy, but the way these tones can come out in an ambient drone which makes you feel relaxed but on the edge of your seat at the same time also just shines on through.   By the end it just feels like the last little bit of sound is gone, the way a candle just burns down to the wick.  


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