Music Review // Raphaela "Be My Hero"


There is definitely a universal sound to Raphaela, one which exists on a pop radio station and could be along side artists such as Britney Spears and Ashley Simpson.   This song having that mass appeal musically is important because it conveys a specific message that needs to reach a large audience.  

As the song states within the first verse "I wasted time being a people pleaser" and then into the chorus with "I'm gonna put myself first now".   This is important because a lot of people don't know how to do this and there really is a fine line.  In life, you only get one go and often times if you do things for yourself (put your own needs ahead of the needs of others) you'll be called selfish, but at the end of the day, sometimes you have to be.

Walking that tightrope between being a good friend / partner / family member etc to putting yourself first is an issue in and of itself, but there are also those people who just feel like doormats and let everyone walk all over them.  This can be in an emotional or physical sense, but lines like "Use my voice cause it matters" make me feel like people need to stand up more, especially if they are in situations of abuse.

Regardless of whether or not you're just trying to find that balance where you're not considered to be too selfish or it's much more serious than that, the idea of this song that "I will be my hero now" is a good one because we should put what we want to see into the world.  This song can hopefully serve as inspiration for you to live your best life, to be your best you.  


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