Music Review // Summer Bennett "JUST A PHASE"


Summer Bennett has created a song that every young person should be listening to on repeat.   As someone who is older, I will tell you that everything about this song is true and consider this your warning from your future self to take the advice of Summer Bennett on "JUST A PHASE".  The lyrics say "I'm young so that's what I'm bound to do", so if you are also young (Summer Bennett is just 16) then take this to heart.

What starts with a piano can kick in with dance beats and then climb up to the orchestra strings.   This reminds me a bit of Kesha in its delivery.   I feel it is modern pop enough that the kids today will listen to it.   The idea that having this crush, having this phase, is making you toxic is accurate.  It's that idea of, as the song says, "And I'm high off your drug".   Those highs don't last forever, you come down eventually.  As the song also says: "And in just one week I'll be over you".

One thing I like about this song is the line "Inhale the version from online".   People use social media to "fall in love" with other people and yet back when I was 16 we didn't have social media like this. I'm not sure if that would be worse for me or if I would notice an imperfection in one of the photos and have those dreams dashed.  Either way, this song is about infatuation and not actually falling in love.

Just when you feel like you've listened to this song enough times from the perspective of the person singing it, and you feel like you know young love won't last forever and you can get over the phases in your life, I want you to take the time to listen to this and imagine it from the other perspective- I want you to imagine being someone else's phase.  I wish this song existed when i was 16 but the fact that it does now says those who are under 20 should be embracing it fully.  


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