Music Review // chasing luma "nervous"


There is something about the pop punk quality of chasing luma which makes this song get stuck in your head.   In some ways, I think we've all be nervous before and so I feel like there is that universal way of relating with this song.  To think about this from a music perspective, it's that type of idea of getting nerves before going on stage and they say when you don't get nervous then you no longer care and so you shouldn't be doing it.

But with that type of nerves that comes from going on stage in front of a large crowd that we can somewhat quickly get over, there are also other things which can come from nerves on a much larger and more serious level, such as panic attacks.   It's always interested me how some people can seemingly have no social anxiety what so ever when I get nervous talking to new people, even if it's just a cashier at a store.

With elements of hellogoodbye and Waking Ashland, "nervous" hits this stride where the lyrics sing: "Words are right on the tip of my tongue"  and that has a build up like Wheatus.   The chorus really kicks in musically and two of my favorite sets of lyrics from this song are: "Everyone knows they're watching me spiral / I see their eyes roll" and "It's like you're talking to me in cursive / My systems are nervous / I can't calm down".   Unless you've been in one of these nervous fits, you might not quite fully understand.

As the song comes to an end with these glitching sounds I like to think that there is some scientific reason why we get nervous.   Perhaps it is a way for our body to tell us to be cautious going into the situation.  Whatever the case may be, I feel like this song should at least shed more light on the fact that, for the most part, we all get nervous even though sometimes it can be varying levels.   Though it might not provide complete comfort, there is something in knowing that mostly everyone is feeling this.


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