Cassette Review // Bong Watt "If It Works, It's Obsolete" (Public Eyesore Records)

This cassette begins with these electronics which can come across as sonar, taking over the entirety of space and time, but also just as these little clicks which can come across like birds.  It can turn primal as well, as it can feel like animals making noises out in the wild.   It can come through sharply, almost offensive, or as the sound of light, such as a hum, and there is just this galloping rhythm with it as well.

Percussion comes in, like banging on a tin can, then it's the croaking of a frog turned into the electricity of a shock.   Robot keys going up and down and then isolated paddle beats.   Clicking like a distress signal and this first song finds its end.   Though the second song does pick up right where it left off with these keys that grow louder and more intense and can feel like the sound a raccoon makes.

There is something very electronic about this all, as if it's in space and very much like the future of technology, but then at other times I can feel like we're almost in this prehistoric time with those animalistic qualities.   Ringing now, like modems, and a lot of droid-type beeping as well.  Cymbal crashes.    It gets a bit slower as everything comes through in clips and just feeling fragmented.

We appear to have shifted into a new song as a bass line resonates and static comes through in bursts with it.   A strong sense of beeping, though the bass line feels like it could take us down to Fraggle Rock.   The cymbals are sifting through the sound and this has become somewhat relaxing and a bit ambient.    Percussion bursts come through and the cymbals appear to be slipping.  

On the flip side we begin with these synth tones coming through.   This grows into a sharper tone and hollow air.   It feels like Doogie Howser but then drops off into this more sci-fi / in space type of theme.    Static cuts through and then a siren-like beeping.    There is still this haunted way about it as it can feel as if souls are trapped in this technology, like that movie "Pulse".  

A sharper tone comes through now, as if asking a question, and static can be heard behind it all.   Beeping proceeds and it feels like we're in some sort of computer.   A sequence comes through like laughing, but you can sing along with it.    A quieter tone now, for dogs, and then some expansion in the keyboard game.    We continue to challenge the boundaries of electronics as this all comes out like a game of pinball now.

Steady drumming comes in with these electronic sounds now, as they've been reduced to coming out in bursts only.    Minimal slow expansion combines those electronics with percussion and then that laser gun comes out like an alarm.    There is a video game way about this as well, as distortion bombs drop.   Birds are fluttering now, as the bass gets dreamy like Porno for Pyros.   By the end it's coming through in fragmented bits, a message which must be pieced together in order to save those lost in space.  


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