Music Review // Madam Sad "Hope For You"


As "Hope For You" opens with these sad and somber acoustic guitar notes, you begin to hear the big vocals enter but this song definitely has more music than lyrics in it.   There are drums coming in and then you can even hear laughing in the background.  I think the idea of using things such as audio of someone laughing is just not done enough in music and so I really respect Madam Sad for this.

This song is somewhat delicate in the music sense and then you can that part even when the fingers slide across an acoustic guitar.  It's those little things that you know are there but some artists try to remove in studio recordings.   Pianos come in and then at about the four minute mark this shifts into feels like the second part of the song, as it can be divided into two in that way.

Vocals only start off the second part and it feels more upbeat as the percussion rolls in with the piano.   This takes us into some nice notes, which eventually carry us out until the end and while the song can feel somewhat bleak at the start it does seem as if it ends on a positive note and give off that hint of hope.

Some of the lines in here say things like "You hear all the things you shouldn't" and "You're healing" and I think that the message of the song is about getting better.   The person in the song has gone through something- and I feel like we've all been through something- and now they are recovering and getting better, so this song is those much appreciated words of encouragement that we can often need at such times.  


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