Music Review // numb talking "walk with u"


Through pianos and guitars come distorted vocals which put this whole song into a psychedelic genre.   There aren't many things which this can be compared with musically, though it does feel like it is somewhat influenced by Lou Reed and Daniel Johnston.  The more you listen to it, the further you get into the song and the more times you listen to it, the more it will take your mind for a trip.

Much of this music video is shown from a first person perspective and is walking through the woods.  The idea of both the title and the lyric "I would walk around with you" enforce that idea of walking and possibly even hiking.  They say walking at least thirty minutes per day can keep you healthy and so I do enjoy that this seems to be promoting good health, even if the music video makes it seem as if we're lost in the woods.

There are also scenes in the music video where someone in a mask is digging through leaves and rubbing the leaves on the mask.  I'm probably reading too much into this, but it does feel like that character is kind of digging at the ground perhaps as a killer who has a body buried there.  The idea of taking a walk with someone in the woods could be dangerous if you don't know them too well, lose cell phone reception, etc.

While this is one of those experimental type of songs that I like because it seems to not follow conventional song rules, I also enjoy the lines: "Come sit and breathe with me / Come sit and laugh with me" which can repeat.   This almost feels like a mantra and why we are going from breathing (which feels like a calming thing) to laughing is almost maniacal, but again, you can read into this song as a romantic movie like "Must Love Dogs" or it could be more like "Cabin Fever".  It's all up to you really.  


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