Music Review // Unknown Voidz "Take It As It Is"


From start to finish, "Take It As It Is" is an energetic rock song that borders on punk.   This is one of those songs you might have heard back in the 1990's, back when there was grunge and a little thing was starting up called Warped Tour.   Bands like Sprung Monkey come to mind when I hear this, but I also think of a band such as Local H.   This doesn't feel like a radio song though as much as a song on the album with a radio song.

There is something to be said about music that is direct and to the point.  This song is about exactly what the title says it is and in that sense you should also take this song as it is.  At one point, for the bridge, there is a nice guitar solo, but overall this just feels like a very punk rock song, like Guttermouth would make, because it gets right down to the point and doesn't waste any time.  In this way, I also hear some Mudhoney in here.

Sometimes in music you can get these very wide open songs where the lyrics leave a lot to the imagination.  You can also have experimental sounds to go along with them.  People might study lyrics for years, trying to decipher their meaning.   But with this song, with Unknown Voidz, I enjoy that you can feel everything on the surface.   The only difficulty you might have with this song is understanding the lyrics as they're somewhat buried underneath the distortion of the guitar and pounding of the bass and drums.

A very specific moment in time exists within this song.   People wore long sleeve flannel shirts and shorts.  People had long hair and dove off of the roof of a house into a pool.  It was just a time of general chaos, which we cannot seem to have in a similar sense with social media now, but the way that this song captures that time can be appreciated by the youth listening to it today.  


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