Music Review // Good Group Thanks for Coming "La Da Da Yeah"


The first thing that I noticed about this song is that when it goes into the chorus I don't believe it says the title- "La Da Da Yeah"- but it sounds more like "Let it die yeah / Let it die da ba buh buh".   For a number of reasons, I can understand not wanting to call this song "Let It Die" and perhaps the title as it is just seems more fun which fits the upbeat quality of the music.

When hearing Good Group Thanks for Coming there is this dreamy rock mixed with math rock way about it that reminds me of a band such as Beach Side Property.   There are elements of That Dog and The Cardigans in here, but as the song goes on and the distortion really kicks in you can hear other bands like Metric and Slothrust.   Musically, this is just a lot of the best parts of the good stuff.

Lyrically this song can be a bit over the place, sometimes with lines that don't seem to fit, but I think of the big picture of the song as looking like the lines: "You're a peach / You should teach / Look at my tattoo instead"  You might wonder what the tattoo has to do with teaching, but it seems like a way to get out of the idea of it, so to kind of tell that person "I don't want to teach" without directly saying it.  That also goes with what I think is being said with "Let it die" in the chorus, as putting those ideas to bed.

In that sense, this song feels like that type of idea where someone in your life (parents perhaps) wants you to grow up and be something like a teacher but you're following your passion of being in a band.  This also plays into the lines: "I'm depressed / like the rest" because life is rough out there and, yeah, following your dreams can still make you depressed but ultimately you have to let the dreams of others die at some point because following those could be even worse for you.


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