Music Review //
Wild Love
"I Hate That I Need You"

The sound of Wild Love is somewhere between a rock band you might hear on the radio and a band on the cusp of that, such as Plain White T's.   The music and vocals make this sound unique though, so while Wild Love could have influences of pop punk or rock bands such as Maroon 5, the overall sound they create just comes out standing on its own.

Throughout this music video, three people (I assume the band) are shown in red uniforms and they are challenging three people in white uniforms for the right to play on the racetrack.  They try to settle who has the right to be there- who reserved the time slot- with a baton race and it's really a bit odd.   But I do enjoy that at some points the band is playing and so you see the one member just walking in a red outfit with the microphone just singing.  Where is the microphone even plugged into?

While this is definitely a song which could be on the radio, it also has a relatable message to it in the lyrics.   There is a part where the lyrics discuss how he lies to his friends to try and make it seem like the other person cares more than they really do.  It's strange because I partly feel like this song wants to put a focus on how it is okay to need other people- no person should be an island- but I almost feel like this relationship is toxic.

If you feel as if you need someone but at the same time you don't feel like they're on the same page (or your friends don't) then it is probably best to try and figure out how to not need that person any more because having that one-sided relationship is never good for anyone.  But feeling you need someone isn't bad because asking for help just makes you stronger and so I prefer to think about that message with this song.  


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