Music Review // Madam Sad "Accepted"

It is not easy to find someone to compare Madam Sad with.   This song is definitely lo-fi, bedroom pop even as it sounds like it was recorded in a minimalist way.   There is that strong idea of this being an acoustic guitar and voice, but there are also other sounds which can come in that sound like horns and just sounds I cannot describe.

"Accepted" also doesn't really seem to have a chorus and verses, rather it just goes from the beginning to the end and takes you, the listener, for a ride along the way.  I like this style of song writing because sometimes ideas don't need to be revisited (in the sense of the chorus) and songs should be able to be like letters written, with a start and an end.

What's confusing about this song to me is that there is a lot of beauty in this, it sounds very pleasant, but at the same time it can also have that downbeat where it seems sad.   Artists like Elliott Smith taught us that there can be beauty within the sadness, but this also reminds me of Kimya Dawson at times and that just feels less sad.

Whether you relate with this song in a level of sadness or not, it is a work of beauty.  From start to finish, it takes you on a journey with lines such as "Swat away the flies", which will have more meaning once you hear it.   Though it feels like it could be part of a bigger collection of songs, it also seems to have no problem holding its own.  


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