Music Review // Chandra "Lighters To The Sky"

Listen on Bandcamp here.

On "Lighters To The Sky", Chandra creates a powerful rock anthem.  This is bordering on pop but I also feel like that's just because you can sing along with it.   The music is there in an uplifting way, as are the lyrics, so overall it just feels like this song to get you out of bed and really get you going throughout your day.

In the chorus, before the title of the song, the lyrics say: "Let your dreams fly" and that's a lot of what this song is about.  In the second verse there is the line "Before we reach the top / The final push is a lot" and so I do also enjoy that this song is realistic.  It's not just telling you to go out there and everything will be okay and you'll succeed- it's letting you know that your hard work will pay off in the end.

I'm also really enjoying the lines "Blaze your trail, don't be led" because I feel more people need to take the initiative.  There are more ways than ever before to get your message out there.  But do you want to be TikTok famous because you followed a trend or because you started the trend?  We need more leaders, more innovators, more free-thinkers and hopefully this song inspires that in people as well.

Among all else, "Lighters To The Sky" is a rock song and when performed live you can just imagine the visual of everyone putting their lighters in the air (Though with the new technology like vaping I'm not sure people have lighters like they used to)  It's uplifting, inspiring and just sends such a positive message that people should have it playing on repeat for words of encouragement and that help to keep moving forward.  


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