Music Review // Mike Evin "Outside With A Guitar"


The sound of Mike Evin comes through with a piano leading the charge.  An upbeat rock song with elements of pop, this could rival Ben Folds and it just feels so pure.  Musically- even to the point where you can sing along with the title in the chorus- this song is just so much fun and would be great to playlist for a party.   What leaves me confused about this song is why we're outside with a guitar.

On one hand, I have definitely seen people outside with guitars.  I think, partly, about how the random artist will be on the sidewalk with their guitar case open, hoping for tips as they play.  But I've also been to so many shows recently that have been outside because of the summer weather that I can't quite recall the last time I went to a show that was inside.  So, being outside with a guitar actually feels much more normal than you might think.

One of the verses hits home as it says "Back when we saw all the shows / We made it to the front row / Now that seems like a dream / But something stirs when you sing".   I feel like this is a good way to talk about what it's like when experiencing live music as you get older.  In my youth I remember pushing to the front of the stage and now that I'm older I have a zoom camera and am comfortable hanging closer to the back.

I'm not sure if this song is about someone specific being outside with a guitar or not- and maybe, perhaps, it is about Mike Evin being the one outside with a guitar- but I do feel like this song has a care free way about it.  It's just such a fun song that you can really put it on and if you happen to relate with it somehow, then that's even better, but you don't even really have to study the lyrics that deeply to sing along and appreciate this song.


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