Cassette Review // Butt Mommy "Home"

The way that this cassette begins is with a voice asking "Are you ready for your milkies?"  This continues with lyrics of "Yeah, you really want some milkies, don't you?".  There is a sound like water running, electric strings blare through and then you can hear ambient tones and radio signals.  Some singing without words and then many times the word "Mom?" comes through as a question.   By the end of the first song it feels like we're driving, like a locomotive.

On the second song you can hear the lines "If you listen close enough, you can hear the earth crack like a neck".   These are done in that robotic voice that will likely get related with AI going forward but I've always thought of it as being Siri.  A mechanical grinding comes in, frequency tones and then more lyrics from Siri.   As we get to the end of this song it all comes crashing down to give it this big finale, a grand gesture.

"Drone Blue" combines what we've heard in the first two songs, as vocals echo through at first, in a human way, as sharp strings come out into some static.  Bursts shoot through and it feels shaky.   This partly feels like we're out in the desert against the elements, but it also feels like we're inside, bunkering down from an impending storm.  A compromise might be a storm in the desert, but as it has that gunslinger type of tension it might be better to stay inside.  "There are bodies to count" is repeated by Siri.

The fourth and titular song has echoes, kind of like we're blasting through a wind storm and then higher pitched angelic tones with those ohm type vocals.  I feel like "Home" could be something different for each person who hears it.   From the lyrics about God to the differences between the human and computer generated pieces.   We all have different places we call "Home", so we should all be able to take somethng different from these words and sounds.   And if the idea of the lyrics offends you then you probably shouldn't be listening to something called Butt Mommy in the first place.  


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