Cassette Review // id m theft able "my entire reproductive system has been replaced by a slide projector"


Quiet slipstreams begin this cassette.  It's this low frequency coming through like the wind, but then some slight acoustic percussion.   Beeping now, making this feel a bit more robotic in nature.   It's that rustling of paper sound which becomes sharp feedback.  Now it feels like running, but in an emergency way- as if we're running from someone.  Tone skips, muted words and then some rattling.   A rapid fire sound now, like a machine gun, a slight meow and then these ringing tones like Dr. Dre would use with words as well.

This feels like going through radio stations on the FM dial and now we've got this almost music box type of ballerina dancing sound.   We go through a vortex and then come out with higher pitched singing type sounds.   Different electronics come through, but there is always that static in between them as if changing the station.   More beeping and we drop off into these relaxing ambient tones now, as if meditation is upon us.   This becomes a fun little carousel type ride sound now.  

On the flip side we begin with sharper tones, somewhere between beeping and strings being plucked, and then you can also hear the sound of running water behind this.   It feels like water just being poured from one container to another more than a steady flow but it is interesting as you can also hear sounds surrounding it begin to expand.   Loud humming and distortion takes over, the sound of a recorder and this has all just gone from somewhat chill to very much loud and in your face.   With what sounds like banging on trash cans as well, the recorder playing a loop of notes might be the most harsh of the sounds.

This truly begins to feel like a merry-go-round broke down, as it kind of had that sound at the end of the first side and now with this destruction and chaos it just feels like we're off the rails and into a place people who go to carnivals don't want to be.   Beeping cuts through like an SOS and the percussion becomes so rapid it feels dangerous.   We end with these little waves which also sound like cars going by, sort of muted words and a much more hollow sense of sound overall.  


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