Music Review // Madison Olds "Rich in Dreams"


Madison Olds has a very upbeat folk sound within this music and in that way it should be able to draw people in, as I feel like this song not be what you think of when you think of "pop", but it definitely has that way where it be accessible for all.   In some ways, the high energy of this song reminds me of an artist such as Mumford & Sons though without whatever made them "alternative rock" and just more of the straight forward acoustic folk bliss.

Songs where you can really feel the lyrics as much as the music are good when the lyrics have that important message which "Rich in Dreams" has.   This is actually something I didn't learn until later in life, perhaps later than I would've liked, but the idea behind this song is "The less it costs I want it more", which shows us not to buy into tangible things and possessions but rather life and the experiences are enough in itself.

I used to go through this phase where I'd buy a lot of physical things, I'd collect them, and then eventually grow bored with them, sell them off and then repeat the process with new shiny things.   Eventually, I got to the point where I felt like buying an item you could put on a shelf and display for x amount of money wasn't worth as much as the experience that money could give you by just going out and living life, so now my most prized possessions are memories.  I really feel that in the song, especially with the line "Living is the luxury".

One thing I also enjoy about this song which more people need to take to heart are the lines: "I buy stock in the people of my town / Cause Wall Street sucks and I'd rather burn it down".  Where I live- where I was born- we have world famous cheeseburgers, ice cream that's been here since before me and a more recent taco shop I do love and I try to support them more than any big chain.  Life can very much be about those little things and I think once we all find that we can start living better lives.  


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