Music Review // Golden Feather "Never Give Up On You"


Golden Feather really has created quite the ride for us to take musically with the song "Never Give Up On You".   At times, it can feel like we're being Rick Rolled, but overall this is a fun and energetic song.  It begins with big percussion, which includes bongos and then the bass line drops in.   This can feel somewhat like Talking Heads, but it also just shifts gears and becomes a bit of the funk.

As the sax comes in, this feels like a full on orchestra of sound.  From George Clinton to something I can't quite describe, there is a big sound to all of this, as I imagine it having a stage show with at least ten or twelve performers up there.   All of the horns really make this special as well, as their sound is somewhere between that funk and R&B genre, yet still somewhere which only Golden Feather can be.

Throughout this song there are positive affirmations as lyrics.  Lines such as: "I would never let you down / I would only lift you up" are ones to pay close attention to, but that whole idea of not giving up on someone and just repeating that title quite a few times before the end just really seems to drive this message home.  But within the context of the title and the other lyrics, this idea of repeating that notion just feels appropriate.

In this day and age I feel it is growing more difficult to find someone or something you won't give up on.   This song gives me hope that more of those people or other nouns are out there, while it also should serve as that inspiration for those who never want to be given up on.  Perhaps somewhat over the top, this song is just a grand show and I think it's the type of music more people should be listening to on the whole.  


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