Music Review // Cuff The Duke "Leaving it Behind"


The sound of Cuff The Duke is very fitting on "Leaving It All Behind" as it relates with the lyrics.   While this song begins with a piano sound of rock it quickly turns into that feeling of borderline country where it just comes into that down home rock n roll.   As is the case with a lot of music in this genre, this can make for good driving music where you hit the open road and just don't see anything around you for miles.

One of the things I like about this song lyrically are the lines "I'm getting ahead of it by leaving it all behind".  In some ways, it feels like you can't always run away from your problems, but at the same time, if life isn't going your way somewhere perhaps you do need a change of scenery.  For as much time as we have on this Earth and how many different places there are to live- to experience the people and the culture- I really feel like people should move more often than they do.

As this music video shows someone driving away on their motorcycle, the realization of the song comes in the line "The saddest part is I've never known where I'm going".   This is, in many ways, what I thought about in the previous paragraph but just on the other side of the coin.  Yes, there would be benefits to moving around and seeing this entire planet, but there is also something to be said for stability, for having a plan and for knowing where you're going.  

Overall it just feels like there are going to be times when you have to move or just find yourself leaving something which isn't good for you in the dust.   Sometimes this can be a better experience than others because maybe you're clouded by uncertainty, but at the end of the day, you just have to trust and hope- perhaps with a little bit of help from this song- that everything is going to work out and be okay.  


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