Music Review // ZZ Ward "Mother"


It takes a special type of person to be a mother and this song by ZZ Ward captures exactly that.   While everyone has a mother, in theory, the way that the mother treats the children and everything else involving those relationships is what makes motherhood special.   As there are a number of songs out there about being a mother, ZZ Ward seems to have put the most unique spin on it since Danzig.

ZZ Ward oozes soul on this song.  This is that type of rock n roll fused with the blues that would have had Elvis Presley saying "That's it! That's the sound!"   But there is also something very big about this song, as it could stand out as a stage production with a whole line of back up singers and even dancers.  Something fancy and elaborate, though this song itself is not to be over-simplified.

One of the most important lyrics within this song perhaps is: "Cause it's 24/7 commitment".  I don't think people quite get that or fully appreciate what it means.   You can have a job where you go to work at 9 in the morning, punch out at 5 in the evening and not think about it over the weekend.  There is no "punching out", there are rarely lunch breaks and when your child is youngest you'll also find there isn't a lot of sleep.  

If you are a mother yourself and want to hear a song about it in a way unlike any other you've likely heard before, then ZZ Ward's "Mother" is for you.   If you aren't a mother, you like have a mother and can appreciate this song as well.  But even if you don't have a strong relationship with your mother, you can still appreciate the musical aspects of this song as it just flat out rocks.  


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