Music Review // Mosez Jones "Safe In Solitude"

Mosez Jones seems to take the best qualities of different forms of hip hop to come together and create something new and original.   At times this can remind me of artists such as Myles Bullen and Nas, but specific songs do have specific influences.  "BIRKNBAGZ" has an Eminem way about it, as do other parts of other songs, while "Broken Record" seems like it's channeling more of the R&B, more like D'Angelo.

The titular track can feel like Twenty One Pilots but then there are also songs which take on their own vibes.   Every song really has its own vibe, which is what makes "Safe In Solitude" so important.   "Perfect Like This" has nice singing on it while "Sneaky Eyez" has a smooth bass line.  The music that goes with the lyrics and title of the song just often time fits it, as that bass line in "Sneaky Eyez" can almost feel like the theme to a spy show.

With some synths this just really embraces the idea of hip hop as it's got rap parts in it but there are also R&B aspects to it straight down to soul.  I feel like far too often in modern hip hop though we end up with these songs where maybe only a few of them are good and that might be because they have those stand out qualities.   Mosez Jones has crafted an album here where you don't need to skip any song because they all have those stand out qualities which make them special.

To go in and listen to the lyrics feels like an entirely new adventure.  When you listen to "Safe In Solitude", the first few times through, you should be paying attention to what the music is doing.   Eventually, you'll be able to study the lyrics further, but this is perhaps one of the most complex and daring hip hop albums to date because the music takes precedent over the lyrics.  I simply cannot recommend this one enough.  


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