Cassette Review // Feverdreamt "Decay Is Present" (Blackjack Illuminist Records)

When "Decay Is Present" begins, there is this very serious almost dark tone to it.  For some reason, it reminds me of a certain genre of The Beatles but then can also come through like an old pirate dirge.   Big tones come in on the second song and there is also a little bit of that Phil Collins percussion going on.  

This feels like it could be slowcore, but there are also big synth tones in it.   Slow, isolated tones come out and make me think about The Doors and just kind of being lost in the desert.  This is a little bit gothic but it is also a little bit medieval-- somewhere in between the two for sure.  Acoustic guitars come in with the ahh's and there are lots of beeps with almost robotic vocals as well.

Nice distorted guitar riffs cut through to start off the flip side.   There are melodies within here, but then these oh's come out and definitely sound haunted.  You can really hear the keys, but at the same time you can feel this sharpness coming through the sound at the same time.   Slower and more ominous we go through an instrumental bit.   Delicate plucks take us into a big percussion and a big build sequence.

Big church organs fill the sound before it all comes to an end and while this could be somewhere between bands like Brazil and Thursday and bands like The Cure and The Smiths, you also really have to listen to the lyrics like: "I'll never see her again" to get that full experience, that full vibe of the music.  


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