Music Review // Bianca Lily "Too Much"


Right away Bianca Lily brings out the drum machine fast beats feeling and you know going into the song "Too Much" that this is going to be a fun trip.   Those guitar notes come in and the vocals follow, giving this a rock n roll feeling with pop influences.   In some ways, this reminds me a bit of the band Metric and we do need more music which sounds like Metric so that isn't a bad thing at all.

As you watch this music video you'll begin to see words come onto the screen.  Having a lyric video isn't uncommon, but this is something different than a lyric video.  You'll find, as you pay attention, that the words on the screen and the lyrics in the song don't match up.   They can be along the same lines but they are not the same.   This is quite a fascinating concept as it feels almost like we have two sets of lyrics for this song.

We go through images of nature, as we're in the woods near a garden and the screen asks questions like "I really swear I am not crazy".   When thinking about the song and the idea of being "Too Much", just having that feeling of being overwhelmed, it is rather fitting that you are now listening to both lyrics in the song as they are being sung and possibly also attempting to read the words on the screen at the same time.  

There are times when it becomes to feel like life is handing you more than you can take.  The chaos that can be found within this song and video can show that in ways I don't think other art can do as well.   Ultimately, you can press pause or stop on this song/video, so in real life, when it becomes too much, sometimes you also might just need to take a step back and regroup before diving back in.  


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