Music Review // Rob McNelley "Right Back to You"

In music, there is a certain point in time when the years changed from being the 1970s to the 1980s and how that sounded with rock music really comes out in this song by Rob McNelley.   I think by the late 1980's and into the 1990's that sound changed a bit, but when I think of that kind of leftover 1970's sound turning into the 1980's, that's when I most think about artists who have this same type of sound.

One of the biggest artists who Rob McNelley reminds me of on "Right Back to You" is Tom Petty.  It's not just because of the lyrics and how they're delivered, but it's also because of the melodies and guitar solo.   Though the vocals come into his own for Rob McNelley, the music is there and just feels in many ways like it could be a Tom Petty song.   Since Tom Petty is no longer with us to create new music, I do love that about this song as well.

Lyrically this song has that you get what you give type of message and I do believe that about the world.  If you sit on your couch all day watching television and wonder why you think your life sucks versus if you go out and do things you enjoy, it's pretty obvious, but lines like in the chorus: "Everything is going to come right back to you" just makes me feel reassured that we're going to get back what we put into this life.

And in an even deeper sense of the lyrics, if you put good things into the world and you promote positivity, then that is going to be what comes back to you.  Yes, this could be thought of in a negative way as well, but I prefer to think of this song being about the karma and the positivity you can bring to the world and also get back.  Mostly, you should help others because if you see some stranded on the side of the road, pull over and call them a tow truck because wouldn't you want someone to do the same for you?   Listen to this song and spread the message, thus making the world a better place for it.  


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